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Girls just wanna have fun

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 02:07:33 pm

I got an e mail from a good friend of mine the other day. She had just moved to a new city and while she has been dating a lot of different guys, she doesn't really feel the need to be tied down to any one person right away. I think that's a really smart way to look at things, especially when moving to a new city. You need to get out there and meet as many people as possible and if you tie yourself down to a relationship right away you'll probably end up missing out on a lot of opportunities to make friends.

The problem is that this is one of those girls who generally has only guy friends as opposed to girls. I'm sure that any dudes reading this have met a lot of women in their lives that for whatever reason only like hanging out with their guy friends. If you've ever listened to Tom Lykis or Chris Rock you know why these types of women should be avoided as far as dating goes. If you don't know, ask me and I'll tell you the reasons.

So anyway this girl wants to go out on dates with guys, be friends with guys, and get to know as many of them as possible. She doesn't however want to fuck any of them. And big surprise they all seem to just want sex.

My problem is that women should know by now that the ultimate goal for a man is always to fuck you. And preferably the sooner the better. This girlfriend of mine doesn't understand why she can't just be friends with any of these men she meets. The reason is that men don't want to be your friend. We're busy with our lives, we don't have time to sit around and listen to your problems or hear about your day or what your life goals are. We just want to get laid and when we figure out that we are not going to get laid we stop calling you. Of course we stop calling after we get laid for the exact same reason.

Sure I have girlfriends that are just friends and nothing more, but I don't go out with them alone or buy them dinner or take them out for a drink. That's what I do with my guy friends.

If a guy is taking you out for dinner or drinks he's trying to figure out how much money, time, or whatever else type of investment he needs to make to get into your pants. Nothing more.

Unless he's gay. He's not gay is he?

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