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My take on anal sex

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 03:18:36 pm

I have this theory that there are 3 types of girls when it comes to anal sex. The first type wants nothing to do with it. She is kinda boring, but probably pretty smart and ok to hang out with. Maybe she is a friend of your girlfriend or a lesbian but as long as she is not a bitch she is probably pretty cool. This is the type of woman that you want to be friends with. Reason being is that she probably has a lot of female friends. Girls are always attracted to these types of chicks as friends because they feel like they can tell them their problems and these girls won’t stab them in the back and take their boyfriends. Girls are always suspicious of their friends stealing their men and girls who are totally opposed to anal are probably not super hot.

Type 2 is totally into ass fucking and does not like to have sex with out you at least sticking your finger in her ass. She can usually have orgasms through penetration alone. She definitely has tattoos and maybe a racing flag above her ass. When you are done banging her she tells you to take a victory lap. That is your cue to fuck her in the ass. This actually happened to a friend of mine. Unless you are drunk it is probably best to stay away from these types of chicks. Sure they are fun to party with, but you would never be able to take her home to meet your folks and trust me if you started dating her she would turn out to be a fucking psycho. These chicks have fucked every dude in town, but that does not stop them from getting insanely jealous, especially in public. Stay away. Unless you are hammered. I mean “hey ya only live once.”

Then there is the third type. Basically this is your ideal mate anyway. She is smart and funny. Not overly sexual, but when you are alone she does not get embarrassed about stupid shit. Even if she has not had anal sex before it does not really matter. She likes you enough to trust that you will not hurt her. Plus even if she says she has not done it before, there is no point in believing her. She might have had the high school football team pull an intercontinental rectal train on her when she was sixteen. No big deal though. You are an adult right? Jealousy is stupid. So anyway after you guys talk about it and she agrees to do it then she is passed the test. It does not have to be great. That is not the point. The point is trust and honesty. As long as you both want it then everything should be fine. This is the type of girl that you should actually date.

Shoot me an e mail if you have any questions. Especially dudes. I am here to help.

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