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Straight Up


One Night Stands

Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 11:23:07 am

Hey Jed,

What is your take on one night stands? I met this guy out one night with one of my girlfriends. He asked me out and we went out a few days later and had dinner. I had a few too many and spent the night at his house. I have not heard from him since. What gives?


Hey Melissa,

Basically my take is that i think one night stands are fine as long as you protect yourself. Also if you can help it, try not to get too drunk. You may end up regretting it later.

What happened to you is so classic. I'm surprised girls haven't figured this one out yet. If you want a guy to call you, don't sleep with him on the first date. 99% of the time we won't call you back.

basically a woman's goal on a date was to find a boyfriend and a man's goal is too get laid. Girls always try to dispute this by saying that sometimes they just want to get laid too. So why do you get upset when we don't call?

Anyway the point is he accomplished his goal and moved on to the next. You should do the same. This time try a little harder though.



Filed under: Life — Hawkwind @ 10:29:23 am

Hey dudes welcome to my first column/blog whatever you want to call it for Apparently this thing is called Straight Up with Jed which kinda makes me think about those health videos they would play for you in school because the teacher couldn't handle talking about sex with a bunch of 8th graders. All we really wanted to know was A. can you get pregnant from giving dudes blowjobs and B. How many beers can you put in your ass without getting alcohol poisoning? Btw I'll tell you the answers to these questions at the end here.

Anyway the point of this column is to provide you with some weekly entertainment while you're checking out the website. We'll talk about sex, relationships, how far is too far at family reunions, you know all that confusing stuff that young adults go through.

You can feel free to ask me anything you like and even if I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about it'll at least be funny to try and see what I come up with. It's like I said to this chick one time that only fucked Latin guys. "Just give me a shot and if it's really bad I'll take you out for tacos tomorrow."

I'm now really wishing I hadn't just told you that. Anyway since I did, I'll tell you that I'm guessing she still only fucks Latin guys.

Oh and before I forget hopefully we'll have a woman here shortly that will kind of act like my counterpart. We're thinking kind of like a female Dr. Drew, someone who knows a lot about the human body and can answer questions clinically in a way the average person could understand. Or even just some chick with big cans would be cool too.

So thanks for looking and hopefully you'll all be in touch soon.

P.S. the answers were 1 beer and yes if she spits into her vagina.

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