My time here is up, friends...
I've been told that my time as the writer for Anatomy of the Kink here at Friendsation is complete... so I just wanted to let everybody know I have really enjoyed my time here! I think I may possibly continue the fetish/kink writing on here, and possibly cross-post on my personal blog at or my blog on myspace if anybody is interested in still reading... my blog for this week will follow this post...
I also wanted to reach out to my readers and ask for help with a photography project I'm working on... I am now conducting interviews with men and women to use as models in my upcoming photo series. I am preparing them to be shown in a gallery show this summer, so if you are interested in working with me, please message me and we can set up a time to meet.
I’m looking forward to these photos, and the upcoming show, so I hope to get some very good talent to work with me.
More details about the project will will be revealed at a later time.
Comment by usakeyboarda [Visitor] — 05/05/08 @ 07:49
Comment by ktaxmhapql [Visitor] — 05/31/08 @ 14:40
Comment by frxhvk qfnd [Visitor] — 06/15/08 @ 05:23