Jesus Christ... we arrived in Vienna this morning... and I feel so violated. Maybe it's because I am hanging out at the hostel bar. The people there are real straight-shooters. They basically ask if they can sleep with you. Even when you say no you're still not left alone.
I probably should write something fun since, after all, I am in fucking EUROPE and incredibly lucky... but... the violation that has occurred... I just wanna cry. It's almost as bad as last weekend's Brussel sprouts (which is slang for people from Brussels.)
I am afraid to go to my room because the dude in the bunk above me is the panty-sniffing type.
Then also this guy from Arkansas wont leave me alone. He keeps accosting me at the computer. This is so ridiculous. I'm not even wearing anything slutty.
I have absolutely no idea why I am getting so much attention because the local women here are beeeautiful. I can't stop myself from staring them all down. I feel odd checking out other women, but they honestly look like fantastical godlike creatures. I guess this is my first lesbianish moment. Aren't you proud of me?
Tomorrow we plan on going to the fancy-smancy Vienna opera house. I'm not sure how I feel about operas, but a girl visiting Austria has to have at least a few cultural experiences.
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