Broke rockstar
So my girlfriend tells me I party like a rockstar. I added the broke part. Now I will present the argument on both sides and see what you think. Rarely do I drink with anyone but her. We go out maybe once if not twice a week and have a few drinks. This past weekend I went out again. I had a few more drinks. Saw some old friends. Cruised with my boy, etc.
In the midst of all that, I lost my keys (no idea where they are), can't find my cell phone, and to be quite frank, I'm having a hard time finding the wallet. So I ask, does that make me a rockstar or just irrensponsible. I'm leaning with the latter part. Darn you to heck drunk me. Darn you to heck. Now I have to either pray everything turns up or get new everything. Oh, well, I guess it was bound to happen, never lost a wallet and I should have had bad karma for getting that overpriced phone even though I was broke. Ah, funny how life works.
Comment by Juji [Visitor] — 03/06/06 @ 22:49
Comment by kingcool [Visitor] — 04/06/08 @ 12:28