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Commercial interruption is the main purpose of television, radio and life really. Whether we admit it or not, radio stations were always an advertising medium, as is television. The shows and broadcasts are designed purely to increase ratings that will make people watch commercials.
There comes a point where commercials, however, start to reflect the Teamsters break schedule: 15 minutes work, 30 minute break, repeat. I've noticed the rise of commercials in popular shows such as Lost and ER have grown to a point that is beyond belief. For example, your typical hour long show used to be 45 minutes of show, 15 minutes of commercial spread through the duration (usually 3 minute breaks 5 times). Now, shows in the prime time slots are having to further edit content because advertisers are adding an unworldly 25 minutes of commercials in the show (usually six 4-minute breaks). It's rapidly approaching the point where there are more commercials than shows on.
I understand that stations are out to make money because we live in a capitalist state. But that many commercials will put people off. I played a computer game when i was about 4 on my Apple II+ (green screen and all) and you grew apples and had to pick the right price for maximum profit. You could charge 50c each, but only 3 would sell. if you charged 30c each, 7 would sell. Commercials are the same way. If you add that many, less people will watch and you will LOSE money. Period.
I'm issuing a rally cry. A boycot. A petition? A suggestion at the very least. Commercialize our lives less. It may have been why TV started, but its not why its still alive.
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