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LMC's Blog


Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 01:43:29 pm

TOOL 10,000 DAYS

Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 11:50:36 am

Ok... here's the thing... I'm a huge TOOL fan! A few years ago they came to Seattle and I got tickets- well, one of my friends was going with me and on the way was in a car accident... the accident was not far from where I was waiting for her so I ran to the scene- jumping a median and running across four lanes of high way traffic. When I got there she was sore and shaken up, but ok- so I insisted we go to the show anyway- so we were given a police escort to the show!
About two weeks ago I heard that TOOL was coming to Seattle again, but this time it was going to be at the Paramount Theater (great venue- very small and intimate) on the same day that they were releasing their first album in 5 years! I knew I had to be there! On the day the tickets went on sale I waited in line for hours along with fellow TOOL buddies... they did a raffle and I was 13th in line to purchase tickets- well, the show sold out in 8 seconds and only the first person in line where I was got tickets! So, yesterday was the day of the show- I was so bummed all day- but at least I got a new TOOL album- not good enough! I made a sign and headed into the city- determined to see the show! Adam (my bf) and I stood outside, in the cold for hours- holding the sign hoping that someone would decide that they could part with their tickets for money... we were willing to pay up to $400... on Ebay the tickets were anywhere from $500-$1200! People continually passed- some with looks of encouragement- some with pitty- others didn't even seem to know we were there... I did see a couple that I went to high school with- I couldn't believe they were still together! Well, about 5 minutes after I saw that couple they came walking up to Adam and I and said, "We decided that you two probably want these tickets much more than we do... do you want them?" They asked us for $30 per ticket- we gave them $140 instead! Can you believe it! I hugged and thanked both of them several times! That was the most amazing show! Maynard came out in tight jeans, huge belt buckle, no shirt and sporting his Mohawk! Wonderful show! Perfect venue! Great sound! They played a little of all of their songs and rocked the house!
I learned two very valuable lesson yesterday: Always be nice to people- you never know when they are going to offer you kick-ass TOOL tickets because you went to high school together & never give up- be as persistent as hell- because it's bound to pay off!



Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 07:41:01 am

So, I was informed today that a blog is not supposed to be used as a "diary", but a place to start conversation and possibly controversy. So, in an effort to have an appropriate blog I would like to have some responses on this. Do YOU think that we should be using our blogs for diary-type purposes or a jumping off point to start conversation.
My feelings on the subject: I think that it would be nice if my blog actually have any responses so that it could be a jumping off point for interesting convo- but here's the thing... I really don't think anyone even reads my little blogs. I think that people just come to my profile- look at the pictures- I'd be surprised if they even read my actual profile- then maybe leave a kiss or a message and they are on to the next profile.
So... if you are reading this- prove me wrong and respond. Either way I'll have my answer.
Thanks! ~LMC


What another crazy weekend I had!!!

Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 12:07:48 pm

So- I went home... to see my friends and family again last weekend... boy oh boy did we drink! People reading this are probably going to take me for quite a lush- but - eh oh well... SO- I went home on Friday- spent a bit of time with my fam before meeting my best friend, Crystal, at the bar. We used to spend a fair amount of time at my fav bar Sharkys~ but within the last month or so Crystal has started dating a new guy- um... Ryan- whos a bar tender at Ferrelli's- so we've been going there instead. So- I get there at about 10:30 or so to find my first three shots of tequila have already been ordered for me and were sitting on the table at the bar- ready for me to take down. Well, any one who knows me knows that I love tequila! This is a love-affair that started during my first trip to Mexico (which is another very long story!). When ever I drink tequila you know it's going to be a party! The thing is- I don't take lime or salt- so it's become kind of a joke- "hey watch her- she's hard core". SO- I take the three shots in a row-P.I.M.P- with everyone's attention- and didn't make a face! My eyes teared up a little- but no face was made, but a smile! So- we sat and just had a great time laughing and making jokes! I don't really know how it happened but we both ended up getting pretty hammered! Crystal got a lot more drunk than I did tho! She was being even more aggressive than usual- a guy would look and me and she was like, "are you bothering my best friend!?!" I thought it was kind ok funny tho! So- I wanted to leave at like 1am- but of course we shut the bar down. SO- I was driving Crystal home- since breaking up with Paul she's been staying with her mom (and her mom's new fiance`). They have been nice about letting her stay- but her mom's fiance` is getting tired of her being there and coming in all drunk early in the morning on weekends. So- we have been in the car for about three minutes- Crystal has her cell phone in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other- I'm talking away to her and I look over and she's completely freakin passed out! I took her cigarette from her and tried to get her to wake up... with no luck. Her head was flopping around life less and she's slumped over! I was cracking up- and silently praying that she wouldn't puke in my car! So- we get to her mom's house and I decided that it would be easier to just get the door open before I get her out of the car- Well, after like 10 minutes of trying to get the door open I tried to wake Crystal- slapping her and shaking her with no luck! So- I left her mom a note- 'cause I'm a nice girl- and took her back to my parents house. I opened her door to get her out and had to lift her legs out for her- when I tried to pull her out of the car she knocked us both down! I'm laying on the ground cracking up and she finally woke up a bit! She woke up and decided that she had to pee- right now! So- she pees in my parents front yard! I was laughing so hard I almost joined her! I so wished for a camera! So- after a few more falls I get her inside- then comes the stairs... she decided to take them one at a time- on her ass! Once down stairs I told her that I'd go get her something to wear to bed and by the time I get back down stairs she is butt-ass-naked! So- then I had to dress her drunk ass! It was the funniest- but exhausting night I've had in a while! I'm pretty sure that she would kill me if she knew that somewhere out there I am making this story available to other people! LOL!! What are best friends for!?!


Filed under: Posts — LMC @ 12:09:40 pm

I'm having one of those days. It's weird, because I wasn't excited to get up this morning, but I was in an ok mood when I got up. I chatted with one of my co-workers this morning and the day seemed to be headed in a good direction... then all of the sudden- a dark cloud slowly began it's approach. I was completely unaware of it's presence until it was looming over me- as it still is. I cannot explain this dark cloud, what it consists of, why it's here- just that it is and on these occassions that I feel it's presence- I know it's going to be a very, very long day.

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