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RyanKelso's Blog


I'm Sorry

Filed under: Posts — RyanKelso @ 10:30:52 pm

I have been so sick that I could not update my blog. So to my one reader that reads my blog I hole heartedly apologize for me not attending to your ranting needs. So today I have decided to give you a taste of me ranting a bit. Please forgive me for not giving you a full blown rant as I have still not had that blasted finger fully taken care of. I could rant about that in this blog today but I thought I would attend to other public matters.
Ok so I look at the news and I see some very funny material that I could really laugh at today. As an example Cindy Sheehan was arrested at her demonstration in Washington DC today. If we can all rewind to early last month. We may remember this crazy Mother of a fallen soldier who out of the blue decides that she does not like the war and that she is gonna demand awnsers from the one man who truely has no awnsers about the pot luck war that we call the insurgency in Iraq. Now the reason I call it a pot luck war is because everyone who enters the war brings his own weapons. The United States brought it weapons to iraq and then after the war the other countries that surrounded Iraq gave there people strap on bomb vests and AK-47's and RPGS and said have a good Jihad on us but don't tell anyone you came from here otherwise we could become the 52nd, 53rd state in the United States because Iraq will be the 51st sometime later on. I mean statehood takes some time especially when everyone overthere is trying to either kill us or kill themselves. Well you know how it is. Just think the United States could pick up a few new states in less then a decade and corner the market on oil if we took Iraq I mean we already run the place. Then we take Syria for sending all those lovely Jihadests over to Iraq. Then we take Iran on general principle for being a thorn in our side for the last 20 years you know the Iran cantra and all. Then we just take over Saudi Aarbia and Kuwait because hell thats were the oil is and all the oil refinaries over ther are U.S. companies anyways so we can call it a reverse Outsourcing. Better yet we call it insourceing with tanks and aircraft carriers and one diaper rashed president who likes the Kool Aid in the backyard.....
I was talking about Cindy and her plight. So maybe we should start up a fund to get her out of jail. Hum no let her rot in jail as I wish she would leave us all alone. Hell I used to be a soldier and I hated the War especially since I was a part of it. But hey I did what I swore I would do and then I got out. Now after may 2008 if you ask me to kill someone in war I will tell you to kiss my butt. After that I will only kill someone if they do one of a few things but not because of war. War is not a good excuse it needs to be good like if I see you kick a dog I might put my foot in your butt. Now if I see you kill a dog yeah your pretty much fair game for me to put a round in you butt. Anyways I think that was a little rant for tonight.. Maybe more tomarrow or at the latest Wednesday. Well catch you SOON ..... peace love but my hair is not full of grease. OUT


Pictures Pictures Pictures

Filed under: Posts — RyanKelso @ 06:24:09 pm

Say hello to my little friend. That right I went out today and got like 10 rolls of film developed that I had been sitting on for about a year. I went to my local Walmart and had them one hour the photos to bad it took 1 1/2 hours but thats ok it gave me time to look around and see everything they are selling. The pictures I got back from walmart rushed a bunch of memories I have not thought about in about 1 to 2 years. So of these photos were taken when I was in the Army and we went to California for some desert training and some of the picturese were of my 12 months in Iraq. I got some really good pictures of myself and throughtout this month I will be displaying these pics in my photo blog at this address Please feel free to come in and take a look at some of these pics. There are of course pics that I will not put on the web because of what they might mean to someone and I do not feel like getting into that area. But there are 2 photos that show paintings of concrete walls that were made by Iraqi men that glorify the guy shooting the RPG and plenty of arabic writing that says death to the infedal. That I have not decided on putting on the web yet as I don't feel like getting into that either. Not to mention Idon't want my photo blog to be mistaken for a jackass terrorist recruit site.

Ok enough of that nothing much going on today because I have to do an overnight at work tonight. The only good thing about that is that I can wear my digital music player all tonight and not have any issues. I then have to take the cat in the mourning to get his nuetered surgury. So at 8 pm tonight he is cut off from food. I hate doing that I mean he can't even have water. Thats just mean. Well worst of all I have to put him in a room by himself all night because the dog is in the house and he can eat and drink. I feel really bad for the cat. But I think he needs this operation to calm himself down before I have to kill him (kidding). Well I better run lots of stuff to do tonight before work I swear I willwrite something ranting next time. ONE
"Never tell me the odds"
Han Solo Star Wars


Please Bear With ME

Filed under: Posts — RyanKelso @ 06:58:16 pm

I am expanding my blog hoping to reach even more people so I have imported my latest blogs into this sight. However I wish to throw out a few sights so you can explore my true blog power.

The first blog is were I got started it has not been a long time but still it has much more for me and is worth checking out if you wish to find me.

The next web address is my picture blog that I have been told is a great experience. I have pictures from many countries that I have visited to include Iraq, Kosovo, Bulgaria and many more. I was in the Army for many almost 4 1/2 years with most of that time spent over seas. So please check it out.

Lastly please feel free to express you comments about what you read and see I enjoy reading them.

Thank you and have fun

P.S. I would ask that you would look at my previous posts especially the ones entitles Clock Tower and Here Bushy Bushy as I have recieved rave reviews for both of these blog entries and I am really proud of them. Well see ya .......

My Poor Finger

Filed under: Posts — RyanKelso @ 06:56:11 pm

Hello all and welcome to another chapter in the saga that is me in a mind set that is far far gone as I steal the small parody of Star Wars. Please don't mind me I am on a few drugs to kill the pain that was given to me today. BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER SOME OF THE CONTENT TODAY MAY BE A BIT YUCKY SO PUCK BUCKETS ON STAND BY. Which I am about to explain. If anyone has been reading my Blog other then me then they will know that I had to get a hand operation to remove an ingrown finger nail and when I say operation I mean they really knocked me out for it(god knows why).Anyways I was told to come back today at an appointment that was arranged by a nurse without my knowledge. Well the fun began this mourning when I woke up and had my finger hurting and a bit red and stuff was comming out (puss yuck). This is not good in a finger that is supposed to be healing. So I decided to verify that I had an appointment today because driving to philly is a pain in the butt because of the traffic and of course the 3 dollars a gallon at the gas pumps. So I attempt to call the automated hotline at the hospital that tells me I have no appointment for the next 30 days. So I then talk to the duty nurse who says that sometimes the appointments are not entered into the computer and I should try and get hold of the surgery people instead. Well I had no luck at that so I decided to drive to the hospital and see personally and hope for the best. Well I got to the VA hospital(veterans hospital, I am a veteran who is entitled to free health care thank god). I was amazed that a nice older gentlemen told me he was leaving his parking space and allowed me to get it. So everything is not that bad so far. I go up and see the secratary who tells me I do have an appointment and I get to wait in the waiting room for about an hour which is fine because I bought my book Real Money by Jim Cramer which I will be reviewing once I am done with the book. Anyways I finally get seen by a doctor named Chip. Mental note if your docs name is Chip ask for a new doctor. This guy looked like he should be surfing and saying dude alot. Anyways he was useless and went to fetch the women who had operated on me. When I saw my female Knight in shining armor i was impressed because she was dead sexy and my heart skipped a beat. Kidding about my heart skipping a beat that has not happened since I met my one and only true love and well that just ended badly so anyways. Maybe one day I will tell everyone about that part of my life for now back to this. So she looks at my finger and says oh my the yellow part that was stopping your finger from growning into your skin for the time being is gone. I told her it fell of which in reality I pulled it off because I was getting to much pitty at work from people I hate pitty. Well anyways I am an idiot. I tell her that she is not getting me back in any operating room so anything she wants to do will have to be with a local. She says most people can't take a local anestetic needle in the finger. My response was "well i'm not most people just num me a bit and I'll handle it". She sticks me 4 times and there really is nothing like getting a needle in the finger and in the palm. The palm was the worst. Now I have given people needles and I.V.'s When I was a combat life saver in the Army (thats what they call regular soldiers who are trained to do certain things on the battlefield to help save some fellow soldiers lives before the medics arrive.) So she nums me up and it is not working the least bit and she says well I don't know what to do. I gave her my finger and told her to get the job done she said are you sure I was like "yep go ahead I can deal with it". So she worked on my finger for a bit and after 5 minutes of poking and proding pain she exclaimed that she was done. At that point my finger had finally fully numbed. So I drove home one handed which was not a big deal but then the truck that was in the next lane that nearly jackknifed next to me was probably a huge deal. So lastly on this topic I got home and popped some pills to stop this finger pain it hurts more now then it did after the initial operation but I met a sexxy sexxy women. Which is not a bad thing at all.

So the people know I have decided to start leaving quotes after each and every log entry I make So here will be my first......
Jim Cramer's Mad Money 2005

So this is Ryan saying stay chilled and frosty and hange on the right side of the flip.


Filed under: Posts — RyanKelso @ 06:55:32 pm

Well Hello all and welcome to another chapther in the Ryans World blog. If you have read my last few entries you can probably tell that I write basically about whatever I want which I think is basically what a blog is about. Tonight I am once again at home but thats because its Sunday and I just so wanted to see the Emmy Awards. I don't know why no TV shows I ever watch seem to get recognized. This year I had High hopes for the Fox TV shows HOUSE and 24 to take home alot of awards sadly so far this has not occured. Now I don't Know if you have seen these shows but if you get a chance try and catch an episode or 2 and then later on buy the season so you can watch the entire series at you leasure. I have to do this as I have no real time so I find a show I like and wait for it to come out on DVD. Sometimes this practice causes me alot of problems with shows like THIRD WATCH and JAG which have not made it to DVD yet. Then again there are alot of TV shows that I think are worth your time if you have nothing better to do. I mean FOX alone has some great shows created for its stations. As examples lets look at the shows OVERTHERE, THE SHIELD, HOUSE, 24, RESCUE ME, THE SIMPSONS, and THE FAMILY GUY. If I was a bum I could watch all of these shows but I don't have the time. The funny thing is I am not even including the other networks. Although they do not have much that I consider great TV I mean NBC did have THIRD WATCH and JAG and are still showing West Wing and the Law and Order franchise which is getting old quick. So I do the DVD season Route. It took me nearly 6 months to watch the first season of 24 but it was really worth it. This of course does not include all of the tv shows that you may have liked when you were a kid. I must admit I do own a few of these Box sets however I do seem to own a lot of British series like THE BLACKADDER, ARE YOU BEING SERVED , MR. BEAN and ALLO ALLO. So Yes I have a large Back log of DVD'S to watch but then again you should see my book back log. I try and take care of my book backlog while I am at lunch at work.

Ok Now I am like nuts with what just happened. Both Hugh Laurey and Kiefer Sutherland both lost for best actor in a Drama series. thats it I am no longer watching these award shows I want to know how they pick the winners are all the voters like smoking crack while they vote. But I digress I would of course like an awnser to my question but hey i'm not that militant to even ask it to someone who might know. Hey its all ok...... Well I am thinking that I am gonna cut his one short I mean its time to play ball with the dog so he will sleep all nigh tonight and not wake me up 15 times tonight. Well Have fun let me plug to things though.

Hey check out my other entries which I have been told are alot of laughs especially the one before this....

Also take a look at my photo Blog at

Hasta La Bye Bye

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