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Euphoric Musings


What's With The Solicitation Messages On Here?

Filed under: Posts — Euphoria @ 08:01:53 pm

Isn't it bad enough that I get them in my regular email accounts?

Jeez, it sure would be nice if Friendsation would start some sort of SPAM filtering or reporting system. Hell, for all I know there might be one and it's just virtually impossible to find or figure out.

Ah, well. You get what'cha pay for, I guess.


Some Practical Advice

Filed under: Posts — Euphoria @ 12:40:42 am

How To Measure A Penis

Most men seem to have done this but, in an informal survey I have found that most also do it incorrectly. So, to help those of you who need to know:

Finding The Penis Length and Circumfrence

The penis length is measured in a straight line on the top side of the erect penis, from the skin of the belly to the tip of the penis.

The width, girth, or fatness is an important aspect of a penis. Most people have a penis that is either long and thin, or short and fat. Some really fortunate people have a long, fat one. You will generally be able to recognize them as the ones next to their perpetually smiling mates.

Please keep in mind that there's more to pleasure than simply having a large penis. The expression "it's not what ya got, it's how ya use it" has never been more appropriate than when considering a penis's usefulness.

1. Stimulate the penis anyway you'd like until it is hard as a rock. If getting the penis rock hard is a problem, you may want to try one of the modern supplements, such as Viagra.

2. Place your ruler on the skin of the belly, at the base of the erect penis. Don't press in against your belly.

3. Press the ruler against the penis and read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of the penis.

4. Record this number in your handheld, laptop or other device. Alternatively, you can actually write it down, but don't lose it!

5. Put the end of a tape measure or piece of string at the widest part of the penis and wrap it carefully around one time. Mark the spot where the tape measure or string first touches itself. If you use string, take the marked string and lay it against the ruler used in the previous step and measure to the nearest quarter-inch.

6. Record the circumference measurement.

7. Repeat both measurements two more times, preferably with different erections and preferably on different days, recording the results along with your first measurement because erections can vary slightly depending on your level of arousal, time of day, room temperature or how long it's been since you were last aroused. If you find that you have the same erection on all those different days, either cut back on the Viagra or SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, especially if you are in pain.

Calculate The Penis Size

Average the 3 numbers you recorded for penis length by adding up the 3 numbers, then dividing the total by 3. This is your average penis length. Do the same calculaton with the measurements you recorded for penis circumference. Now you know just how big it is!

The average erect penis length is about 6 inches, depending on what data or medical studies you consult. I have no idea whatsoever of average penis circumference. If you'd like to post your findings here, we can calculate that information and share the advice with others.


A Matter of Trust

Filed under: Posts — Euphoria @ 03:29:37 am

Even though I've only been a member of this site for a few days my mind has been blown by what I've read, mainly in Jed's blogs.

Perhaps I'm just old fashioned, but doesn't anyone else believe in equal partnerships?

Anal sex should only be performed with someone you trust completely? I guess this means it's fine to do everything else with someone you don't trust--just don't let him or her stick something in your behind!

So much talk about dominance and submission (does anyone remember that old Blue Oyster Cult song, or did it come out before you were all born?).

Some people seem to find it gratifying to allow someone to dominate them--that's fine, I actually ended up being married to someone that didn't bother telling me about his fascination with BDSM--torture, in particular--because he "was afraid I wouldn't move in with him". Ya think?

Hey, it had seemed like love and I thought he really wanted me, so I bought some books, surfed the net and encouraged him to talk about his "hobby" so that I could possibly understand him and his wants and needs more, but this lack of communication ended up being a symptom of much deeper problems and secrets.

We remained friends and lived together platonically for about three years. No big deal.

Am I the only one around who still wants to be in a relationship with someone who's my equal? Where we take turns being in charge and share our burden. Where sex is all about mutual gratification and not just one person (playing the role of "male") being in control of the other.

I know from talking to friends that most women, at least, don't enjoy 69 as much as I always have. Even some guys say they can't concentrate on their own pleasure while trying to pleasure someone else at the same time, but for me, feeling his pleasure increases my pleasure which seems to turn him on more, too. At least this is how it's generally worked in my best relationships, the ones that will always be closest to my heart.

Have I had recreational sex? Sure! If you read my last post you already know a bit about my background in that regard, but I'm telling you right now that I truly felt love for and completely trusted each person I was with.

And while I haven't fallen in love and lived happily ever after with any of them, I can honestly tell you that our relations, at least when we were together, were equally and mutually fulfilling.


Friend's With Benefits

Filed under: Posts — Euphoria @ 03:37:26 pm

Is it possible for two people to remain friends while having sex?

This is a question that's often debated and whose answer is rarely agreed upon, often even by the people participating in the relationship. It seems that someone frequently develops feelings outside the boundaries agreed upon, assuming an actual agreement was even established before sex enters the equation.

I've been on both sides of this situation, where I was the one who hoped it would turn into something more and once, where the guy was the one who'd hoped for more. When I realized that it saddened me to see I'd broken his heart because he thought that my finally giving in to him it must have meant his feelings were reciprocated, even though it was a case of a broken heart and too much booze that led to it. Our friendship was destroyed beyond repair.

Except for one instance with a good longtime friend, where we were both feeling lonely and unloved and had wonderful sex and slept together a single time, my other experiences with this have had the rules totally dictated by the men. Both of us were fairly happy with the unspoken guidelines but none of these relationships ever amounted to more than being Fuck Buddies, I suppose. Each one died a natural death, without any anguish for either of us, but it's been a long time since I've been comfortable having this sort of arrangement with anyone.

I'm not exactly sure when or how it happened, but a time came when I wanted something deeper with my sex and realized that I deserve it.

It's been years since I've had a sex life, and quite a long time since I've even been kissed, but it's not for lack of opportunity. It's simply that I refuse to get physically involved with someone I don't share a deep emotional connection with. I don't want to and I don't need to and the reactions from people have been quite mixed, with many (mostly guys) telling me I'm stupid and that just because I'm not in love it doesn't mean I should be deprived of a sex life.

But I don't feel deprived. This time I'm holding out for the whole shebang--it's everything or nothing at all. And it feels great knowing there's someone out there worth holding out for and that by not settling for someone less than Mr. Right, as I've done so many times in the past, I'm sure to be ready, willing and available when he finally turns up.

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