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sniffer's Blog



Filed under: Posts — sniffer @ 02:07:07 pm

Yes, the era of the computer is upon us and seems likely that it may be here for quite some time to come. Now we have the tool that allow us the maximum amount of freedo The Art of Chattingm one can have without using the "spoken" word! Not since the earliest days when the cavemen were scribbling their messages on walls has a new way of communication been a best seller.
Sure, these computers may cost a pretty penny but, what they offer in the written vernacular has virtually surpassed every other means of communication. Advertisement has took off like a rocket heading for the moon and beyond. Every aspect of American life has signed on. From hospitals to psychics, big business to small liquor stores, everybody wants to get in on the act!
It is the chatters that have finally come out of their shells to let the world hear their long silent voices that intrigues me. A very strange breed of cat we are! We are everywhere. Dating sites,Sex sites,Psychiatric sites., political sites, and even religious sites. Our voices fill the bandwidths with billions of written words. This is a wonderful and weird happening.
I have had some of the strangest half conversations with people who are so lovable and human. They don't know who the hell you are but, they seem to want to be your soul mate. You are made to feel one of a select group immediately.
Of course maybe you will rarely meet someone you would like to but, in it's own way, that in itself is what lets you be yourself. It gives one a sense of security in the knowledge that you are not standing in front of the world in the flesh with all their frailties hanging out there for anyone to see, to criticize or to comment on. In a chatroom we are all as close to being equal as we ever may get.
So this good thing has caught on and sensible people have found a way to talk to someone by the roll of the dice. Timing is what it is all about. You may find your mentor or your lover when you jump in to a chatroom. You may learn more than you ever imagined but, as long as your careful and sensible, you certainly will have an experience that you may never forget, especially if you become addicted to Chat.! Keep on yakking

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