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JetSet's Blog


Welcome to the Real World.....

Filed under: Posts — JetSet @ 05:24:38 pm

I'll be honest, I've never been much of a blogger. When they first started coming out, I, like every other semi-nerdy teenager jumped on the blog bandwagon. I think I even had two on Because I don't want to lable myself as a whiny drama queen (you know how 15 year old drama can need to dig up the past) I won't give you the addresses, but I will say they are quite possibly the most inane things ever written. All he-said she-said bullshit. I think I even had a stupid nickname like Ingles adopted as my moniker for posting. I can actually remember thinking I was adorable, with my trendy plastic bracelets, baby tees, and big JNCO jeans. Nonetheless, my simpering high school ramblings inspired me, and I went through the (negelected) live journals of myself and my highschool friends and realized...nothing's changed. We're all just more eloquent, the problems are a bit more serious, and the emotions a bit stronger. Not knowing much of the blog community, Jed's ideas of integrating blunt sexuality, campus life, and partying seemed at first routine on the internet, which I usually use to read and (check them out, hilarious). But realizing that what he was trying to set up was more of a forum for discussion rather than a cornacopia of crazy stories appealed to me. If you are a fan of Sex and the City, I kind of see it as the column we always heard Carrie narrarate, but never actually got to read.

And of course, blogs provide a place to write down every crazy adventure, and it's all the more appealing with an audience. I have so far attended college on two campuses, your typical American college/football/drinking town, and Oxford University in England. Before the end of my college years (2 to go), I will have lived in Paris, Spain, Washington DC, Brazil, and Oxford again, hence the name JetSet. It's all going to be very fast paced, and I fully intended making the most of it. Not just partying and debauchery, but working, living, dining, and drinking in major cities all over the US and Europe, trying to learn foreign languages, and attempting to lay some kind of groundwork for a career. Though I admit...I will probably tell more about the hijinks, sexual questions, and capers of a 20 year old college female and all of her friends. My football school trained me well to get myself into plenty of trouble.

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