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Jett7667's Blog


I dont know what this is but...

Filed under: Posts — Jett7667 @ 02:14:55 am

So i guess is like a journal thing. ok...i can do that. hello blogg, today i got off work around 7:30am. Came home, should have gone to bed..but its friday and I like to enjoy being up on the first day of the weekend. Plus, I have a habit that makes me want to stay up as long as I can keep my eyes open. It would be much easier to go to bed, wake up, and then do the bad habit and enjoy the rest of the day refreshed but feelin good. Eventually Ill pop in a movie I've seen a hundred times so Ill go to sleep, but still be entertained up until I go to sleep. Thats just not right,...right? My life revolves around my habit and playin video games. Its like im 12 years old, but I love it. Its my daily medicine that helps me deal with boredom and I guess happiness. Well, I don't know how public these things are so Ill just leave the rest the imaginaton. I went to sleep and then woke up. After a quick trip to the shed and some gaming, I heard about this blogg stuff. I checked it out, made an entry and now probably back to sleep.

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