self destructive
Im self destructive
I put another hole in my ear
I cut off all my hair
And dyed it
I started smoking weed again
I got a new boyfriend
And I fucked the hell out him
I put a hole in my nose
I slit my writs again
And as I watch the blood poor
I think to myself
Im self destructive
Why doesnt anyone love me?
I listen to ICP
I like to party way to much
But I still dont give a fuck
Im self destructive
I think I drive better when Im high
Im bossy
Ive lost a lot of weight
And I started lying again
I just lost my baby
But no seems to care
I didnt tell everyone just yet
Im self destructive
No one cares
And no one ever will
So will just see what happens
But remember
Im self destructive
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