this is my life
A million things run through your mind when you get the call to show up in court. I didnt do anything but then again maybe I did I just dont know about it yet. I shouldnt of hit that girl huh, or took that shirt. I hope they dont want to drug test me, thatll be bad. You know the first time I went to jail was when I was 11 and I was too young to even go to the juvey, but they sent me anyways. I guess they really dont care when you still a car out of Wal-Mart parking lot. Maybe I just wont go. But last time I did that they found me. This is been going on for way to long. Maybe Im just always in the wrong place at the wrong time. I dont know any more. I wish I would just disappear, make everything go away. Fuck these people are stupid they wont leave me alone. I really hate foster care, but I get free clothes. Ha ha this isnt cool any more, it just all fucking sucks. Maybe one day Ill do something that will make me famous. Okay its not funny anymore, but then again no I better not say it. I really hope they dont want to drug test me it hasnt been 30 days yet only 2 come on this cant be, fuck they suck. I hate cops, and judges, and the fucking government and anything else I left out. Just fuck it
s.o.v.s. ann newcomb