our fucked up past
Our Past
Just kill me now
Make it fast
I dont want it to last
Dont ask me why
For you should know
Since you are the cause
I know in the past
I was kind of harsh
But you know people can change
Just like the ice in your glass
I know I still sleep in class
But I swear I can explain
And its not because of the beer glass
This is who I am
I wish I could change our past
But thats another pain in the ass
I wish I could sit in first class
And sip beer out of a pretty glass
I know I can be a smart ass
And if you dont like it
Thats your loss
If youre ever harassed
Just come to me
And I can put them in a body caste
For our past doesnt matter anymore
Our past is like a book, the words on the page stay the same no matter how hard you look
to janiet from ann sorry
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