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RazzberryRain's Blog


DVD Review: Garden State

Filed under: Posts — RazzberryRain @ 10:25:19 pm

I am a DVD whore. I heart DVD's a lot. I refuse to watch VHS anymore. DVD's were created not only to provide quality picture and sound, but also so the moviemakers can provide the viewer with extras. I heart extras. Which is why when I find a DVD that only has the movie on it, NOTHING else, I get really upset. DVD's are for the extras. Bottom line. So if there isn't even a TRAILER on the DVD, I will probably not by the DVD, even if I loved the movie. (Ok, not entirely true...there are a few DVD's in my collection that have very limited extras, but I chalk it up to not enough money to spend on the DVD). Anyway, Garden State is a wonderful DVD if you like extras. My favorite extra of any DVD is the gag reel. Garden State's gag reel is ok, it's not the best, but it's still worth. And so are the Deleted Scenes. But the BEST part of the whole DVD is the commentary with Zach Braff and Natalie Portman. I hope that those of you out there who really enjoy finding out trivial information about their favorite movies know about the commentary. I mean, it's a film geek's dream. Usually actors and filmmakers sit down and watch the movie and provide voiceover commentary about the current scene or other anecdotes about the movie was made. I previously stated that I am a DVD whore. More specifically, I am a DVD commentary whore. Sometimes I'll find myself wanting to watch a commentary, not the movie. I've watched certain commentaries five times. Garden State's commentary lived up to all of my expectations. The rapport between Zach Braff and Natalie Portman was priceless. They playfully poked fun at each other while talking about a very cool movie that they made together. Want to know what scene they filmed first? last? that they barely made it through? what happened on set at the mansion that involved an overflowing toilet? who zach originally wanted for natalie's part? why the songs are so important? Watch the commentary! And don't forget to watch the other commentary with Zach Braff and filmmakers, and be sure to check out the making of featurette. Oh, and be sure to watch the movie first if you haven't seen it. It will make a whole lot more sense if you do.


Why TiVo is the best boyfriend ever

Filed under: Posts — RazzberryRain @ 09:14:45 pm

So for those of you who still live in the old days of VCR's, there's this new thing called TiVo. (and if you don't have it yet, go here and get it. Now.) TiVo will record whatever you want for you so your life doesn't have to revolve around television anymore. Or what I should say is your life can still revolve around television, but it revolves in a more functional way. So why is TiVo the perfect boyfriend? Let me lay it out for you.
1. TiVo is always there for me when I need it.
2. TiVo never disappoints.
3. TiVo always satisfies me.
4. TiVo will never leave me.
5. TiVo will sometimes think of things I might like, and give them to me as a gift. I appreciate that TiVo appreciates me.
6. TiVo allows me to see things I would not normally see and take me places I would not normally go.

So you can see why TiVo is awesome. Anyway, last year was my first television season enjoying TiVo. I was able to watch my favorite shows (The O.C., Gilmore Girls, Everwood, all the other sappy WB shows, Best Week Ever) as well as discover some new ones (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Veronica Mars.) My favorite new show, which thankfully is coming back next season, would have to be Veronica Mars. What? You haven't seen it? Try watching some of the episodes UPN is re airing this summer. You too can fall in love with the private investigating team of Veronica and her Dad. Watch her fall in love with the person she used to hate while she alternates between solving the murder of her best friend, and finding out who is giving out fake ID's at school. (that is, besides herself) Newcomer Kristen Bell, who plays the titular character, is more than able to carry this show. She has more acting ability in her bleached blonde hair than the cast of One Tree Hill combined. And let's not forget the hot guys. There is not one, not two, but THREE hottie-hott-hotts on this show. Duncan Kane, Veronica's ex-boyfriend. Logan Echolls, Veronica's sworn enemy. And Wallace, her best friend. And of course there are other guest stars who are equally as hot. This is California after all. So get a TiVo, if you don't already have one, and TiVo this gem of a show called Veronica Mars. It's much more entertaining than watching some reality show about some C-list celebs.

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