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snixxxy's Blog


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Filed under: Posts — snixxxy @ 02:02:06 pm

1. I believe that all humans are naturally bisexual (except for dudes, that's gross) what is your take on hooking up with girls. Is it different then hooking up with guys?

I saw a show once where the guy had finally convinced his girlfriend to allow another girl into the bedroom with them, and by the time it was over he was coming home from work to the moans of giddy female pleasure echoing down his hallways, and he usually wasn't invited.

Do we need a good hard cock to get all engines revving? Personally, I do. I believe hooking up with girls is something a lot of us are doing because on some levels, we are attracted to our own kind. Who hasn't seen Angelina Jolie's lucious lips or J.Lo's tight body and at the same time wanted to be them AND to be with them?

Everyone on a primal level needs and wants something warmer, softer, and more downy-fresh than they are, and let's face it-the hairy-chested man sometimes isn't it. I've never hooked up with a girl. Once, I made out with my equally atractive, tall and hot best friend Terri at a frat party to get a free shot. It was fun-she KISSES LIKE A GIRL-you know, like she was going for an oscar, and so was I, and in the end I think we both wished were were standing there in the beer-drenched backyard of the ATO house in some designer's glamorously glittering gowns holding our oscars for "best kiss". Instead we got some jaeger. My point is-men should really learn to make love like women do, and we wouldn't feel quite so bisexual.

Is hooking up with girls different than hooking up with guys? I dunno-is peanut brittle anything like chocolate? Hard-sugary-satisfying and protein-filled vs. smooth-lucious-decadent-and sweet all over. I can't deny I've thought about the chocolate, it's just that I think I really do like the raw and simple satisfaction of someone who fits inside me-like a key to a lock. All drunken frat parties aside, girl-on-girl action is different and can be really fun, but sometimes it's comforting to know making someone really happy only takes a bj and and a steak.

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