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     - 37 y/o female
     - City: Taipei
     - Country: Taiwan
     - Design
I am: Sometimes love, in addition to luck, but also a bit .. courage! I am not regarded as a stunning beauty. But I had not the slightest sense of inferiority. Because I know: I was you,... more
You are: I hope you love nature, like me, is being reckless love, where are what count, the real integration ... more
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If you want mhee, you can have mhee
     - 38 y/o female
     - City: taipei city
     - Country: Taiwan
I am: "What you see is what you get", that's how my friend describe me. Im a lovely person who wants express my feelings to the people who I want to meet. Im adventurous and loves to p... more
You are: A shoe is nothig without a pair, scissor can't cut without a pair, and arm cant hug without a pair.... more
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god is always their
     - 40 y/o female
     - City: tanzih
     - Country: Taiwan
I am: simply girl,honest,loving,thoughtful, responsible,if your interested to know me send me a you can know me better...and lets talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!see yeah Very Happy Very Happy ... more
You are: id like to meet a guy that have a sense of humur,funny to be with,understanding, responsible and can... more
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friendly and aggresive
     - 37 y/o female
     - City: Taipei
     - Country: Taiwan
     - student
I am: Smile i m a little chubby and wear glasses and short hair In my spare time i enjoy listening music or going to see moive and shopping. i live with my parents. if it is possible i ... more
You are: ... more
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"Cutie on the go!"
     - 38 y/o female
     - City: Pasay
     - Country: Taiwan
     - college student
I am: I'm Melanie ... cutie physically, hehe... 19 y/o... want to know more? let's chat !! hahahahahahahahahaha ^^... more
You are: celebrity would be much better!! hehehehe, just kidding.. anyways, Christian people, not smokers!... more
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lets take a walk thru a fallen hopeless romantic's thoughts
     - 39 y/o female
     - City: saratoga
     - Country: Taiwan
I am: interesting girl. very straight forward and to the point, but not bitchy. expect the same in return. i guess i like generic girly things: ie: singing, dancing, shopping. sick of fa... more
You are: real genuine people...amuse me with your honest opinions ... more
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Hey!Let's get happy.
     - 36 y/o female
     - City: Taipei
     - Country: Taiwan
     - student
I am: I'm a Taiwanese Smile . I can draw very well and I enjoy it a lot! The comic I like the most is "Naruto" ,collecting its comics now! And more, I'm a optimism person but not a outgoing... more
You are: Maybe is YOU^ ^.... more
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     - 38 y/o female
     - City: TAIPIE
     - Country: Taiwan
     - STUDENT
I am: Im Asume Nazake 18 yrs old from Tailand. Im japaness america i life now in tailand, friendly person b'coz like more friends Im catolic every sunday i aten to mas. Im open minde... more
You are: I need the guy that comfort me and make comfortable, i want a guy that makes me safe,I want a guy t... more
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