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Changing your personality to attract a guy

Filed under: Posts — insatiable4fun @ 12:37:47 am

I have never tried to change my personality to attract a guy's attention. I am lucky to have attracted so many great guys but I have also had my share of jerks. I never change my personality and I never will because I want a guy to accept me for who I am, not for who I'm pretending to be... I like to play video games. I own a Playstation, a PS2, an Xbox, and a Nintendo 64. I have a Game Boy and a Game Boy Advanced. Most of the guys I know and the guys I have dated don't like video games and think that it isn't something a girl can enjoy. But I tell them: "well I like this type of entertainment. You don't see me bitchin' about the fact that you don't." That shuts them up for good. Kind of! But I have best friends who are guys and they say that I am their best friend because I understand them. They say that I am cool to hang out with because I'm not fake and I am not too girlish. When I asked them about what they meant, they said: "When we go out to restaurants, you eat. You don't pretend that you don't like the food. You are a great listener and you have a good taste in music. AND you don't want to go to a Celine Dion concert and you don't want to hear her when we're in the car." And all of this is true. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't eat meat or chicken, but I eat hotdogs, pepperoni pizza, Zinger Supreme (KFC). And I like grilled chicken. I lose all of the weight by hitting the gym regularly and working the treadmill. Never mind the sit-ups I do to ensure that I don't get fat over there.

If a guy doesn't like me this way, there will always be someone who does. And THAT is good enough for me.

Changing your personality just to attract someone's attention is not a great idea. Although the chances are they could work, you should always be yourself no matter what.

Wanting to be accepted for who we are is a natural thing...It is what makes us human and what differs us from God's other creatures. There is a sense of security when you are with someone who accepts you for who you are. Sooner or later, your true self is bound to show up and if you are exactly what your partner despises, you'll only end up nursing a broken heart. When you change your personality, someone ALWAYS gets hurt.

You could always change a few things about yourself, minor changes. Try to lose your vices or at least try to minimize them. For example, if you lie a lot or exaggerate about things, try to not lie and don't exaggerate. Because if the person you're with catches you in a lie, then he/she will think "if he/she lied to me about this, he/she can lie about other things too"...or maybe "what else has he/she has lied about?". Maybe this person will end up doubting your every word, and remember: TRUST is hard to gain, and when you lose it...You might not ever get it.

There are so many examples I could give you but I decided to choose lying because it is a common human folly. We always think that no one will ever find out but there is a saying that goes "The chain of a lie is never long".

About changing your appearance...
I think that it is ok to change yourself a bit for the person you like. I don’t mean that you run to the hospital and have your breasts enlarged...I'm talking about a little makeup and a great outfit if you're a girl, and if you are a guy, put on the right clothes and the right haircut.

You may not believe this, but I always tell my very shocked friends that I am willing to date a guy who weighs 800 pounds who I like and find interesting then date Brad Pitt whom I hate. (Yes people it's true, I DON'T like Brad Pitt).

I put personality above appearance, but I am also human and I do become attracted to good looking men. But I always try to not let their appearance cloud my judgment. Now I don't want to get married. Ever. And the reason behind this isn't a secret from the people around me. I have been affected by my parents failed marriage (they aren't divorced but they might as well should be) and the failed marriages of so many people I know. 11 members of my family (uncles and cousins) have failed marriages and divorces to deal with. I know that maybe my marriage won't be like that, but I don't want to try.

You might want to settle down one day, or you are with the person you're going to settle down with. Remember, looks never last. Although plastic surgery has come a long way, Ask yourself this question, do you want to be with a D cup 80 year old woman who resembles Carmen Electra, or a person who accepts you with all of your virtues and vices. A person you won't be ashamed to confess something to...A person who will lift you up when you're feeling down, who will make you laugh whenever you're in a lousy mood. Someone who isn't afraid to cry with you...someone who you know will never leave your side at the first sign of trouble, but will stick with you through the good times and the bad.

This person does exist, and he/she isn't an angel, so you too will have to accept him/her with his/her virtues and vices.

I hope you consider what I'm saying here,,, Good Luck!


  1. nicely said ruby, i agree with you on most everything.

    Comment by jet1 [Member] — 11/05/05 @ 06:58

  2. I agree that you should be who you are and not try to pretend to be something your not. People do not like a phony. And people should not pre-judge some one until you get to know them good. But I disagree wtih about marriage. There are alllot of couples that stay married and have a good marriage. It takes allot of love, resepct and good comunication. And I belive that there is the right some one for every one, and there is also the worng one. You have to keep your eyes and mind open. Allot of people choose the worng mate, because we look for our love in the worng places. It's like being in a thick forest and not being able to see the trees.

    Comment by wayne353 [Member] — 11/13/05 @ 11:44

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